SARM Products FAQs

What is SARMs?

Selective androgen receptor modulators or SARMs are a novel class of androgen receptor ligands. They are intended to have the same kind of effects as androgenic drugs like anabolic steroids but be much more selective in their action,allowing them to be used for many more clinical indications than the relatively limited legitimate uses that anabolic steroids are currently approved for. SARMs are designed to have the same effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids but with less side effects. They work by up-regulating or boosting the action of the Androgen Receptors by attaching to it and stimulating it.

How Do SARMS Work?

As we age, our endurance, power and skeletal muscle mass deteriorates due to the loss of type 2 muscle fibers. This hinders individuals to function normally. With SARMS, skeletal muscle mass and strength in androgen-deficient people can be enhanced. There are 2 types of administering SARMS – orally or in injectable dosages. The anabolic effect is expected to be the same as testosterone. Moreover, it’s also said to produce dose-dependent improvements in bone mineral density and motorized strength apart from the ability to decrease body fat and increase lean body mass. SARMS link to the same receptors that old steroids such as Dianabol and testosterone would connect to, but minus the drawbacks and side effects of traditional steroids and prohormones. This is a fresh start in the advancement of muscle pharmacology as SARMS can help enhance muscle mass, while helping you reduce body fat and boost athletic performance beyond your imagination.

Does SARM Needs PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

SARMs suppress your FSH/LH and Testosterone, that is a fact. The reasoning here behind no PCT is the fact that it suppresses them and doesn’t cause a shutdown. Therefore your body can (normally) naturally recover fine as your FSH/LH typically still remain within the normal acceptable range. As you up your dose you will cause more suppression. If you are doing higher doses for 12 weeks you will more than likely put your FSH and LH to levels below normal, so PCT would be recommended. Do consultant our team for futher advise. If you are doing longer cycles (12 weeks+ of higher doses). PCT would be advised unless you don’t mind a longer recovery.

What are the Most Popular SARMS?

There are many SARMS, but here are the 4 main SARMS that are currently offered and most applicable to athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts:

  • LGD-4033 – a potent, non-steroidal bodybuilding supplement for enhancing lean muscle mass and reducing body fat
  • Ostarine (MK-2866) – selective for anabolic activity at certain ARs, great for maintaining and increasing lean body mass and recomping
  • S4 (Andarine) – selective for bone tissue (mostly low virilization), aimed to cure osteoporosis and won’t produce the development of prostate and other secondary sexual organs
  • GW 501516 (Candarine) – burns fat, and preserves muscle loss and helps you take your trainings to the next level. Known as “the king of endurance supplements” and used by top athletes and bodybuilders.
  • MK 677 (Nutrabol) – Increase lean muscle & joint recovery. It also helps to tigthen skins & increase bone mass density. It is also known as the next level growth hormone but in sarm form. Most likely no side effect are when consume.
  • RAD 140 (testolone) – A potent, non-steroidal bodybuilding testosterone. Help increase testosterone naturally & in par with any steroidal testosterone without the risk of side effect.
  • SR 9009(Stenabolic) – Help maximixing energy on muscle cell by increasing oxygen flow & metabolism rate. SR 9009 also convert carbohidrate & fat into protein.

What is difference between MK 2866 ostarine & LGD 4033 ligandrol?

LGD-4033 has an unmatched ability to build mass relative to other SARMs.While some SARMs come close, LGD-4033 shines in its’ ability to pack on size and strength.Ostarine is a very clean/lean bulking compound if your goal is mass and strength.It will pack a lot of strength on you and a decent amount of size, and all of the size you gain will be dry, lean muscle tissue.However, LGD-4033 despite being a bit more of a watery compound (has a higher propensity for water retention than Ostarine does), will pack on more overall muscle and strength than Ostarine will.Not by a significant amount, but it definitely edges it out in that department.

What are the differences between S4 vs Winstrol & Anavar ?

Andarine’s properties are very alike with steroids Anavar and Winstrol, the only difference is that S4 can better provide lean muscle gains. In fact, there have been many cases of bodybuilders gaining up to 3 pounds of lean muscle while on a caloric deficit! S4 displays the same binding resemblance to AR, hence presenting similar fat burning effects. S4 can also minimize LPL (lipoprotein lipase) – an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation and plays a role in storing adipose tissue (excess body fat). The AR oxidizes this adipose tissue and uses it as its preferred energy source, allowing the body to decrease excess fat at an amazing rate.

Why Puresciencelabs SARMs is better?

All of our SARM’s products are pharmasuetical grade; you will not find a better quality product. Our production facilities assay each batch; this is then validated in house using our own laboratory where we conduct HPLC and COA testing ensuring the highest & puerest quality SARM’s products for our customers.

Why is SARMs orally active yet not overly liver toxic like just about all other oral steroids out there?

SARMs do not need to be methylated/17aa to make the hormone to be orally active, which is usually why it is liver toxic to begin with. SARM’s provide the opportunity to design molecules that can be delivered orally without making them overly liver toxic. This is great due to the fact just about every oral hormone seems to be liver toxic due to the alterations made to the hormone making it more orally active and effective.

Why should I take SARMs instead of steroid?

Well they have some of the same kind of effects as anabolic steroids and other compounds that affect the androgen receptor. SARMs are more selective in their action then most steroids on the market currently and give much less side effects that are usually seen with these steroids. The discovery of this new class of drugs is amazing not just to bodybuilders and power lifters, but to people in all walks of life. Beneficial use could be from a simple old guy (or young guy like me) on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or a person having bone issues or even for something very life threatening like a women fighting for her life with breast cancer! There are a lot of clinical applications for SARMS and possibly a lot more that we have not discovered yet.

What's the difference between S4 & GW-501516?

Both are for cutting purposes. But S4 is more to improve performance, reflex and help hardening muscles more effectively, S4 also makes the muscles retain its shape longer. GW-501516 is also very suitable to burn fat faster than S4. GW-501516 also can help users to do workouts with much longer in the gym and others. For dry cutting, combine both of them.

What is best cutting stacking?

GW501516 + S4 + MK 677 + YK-11 for 12 weeks.

What is the best bulking stacking?

LGD4033 + RAD140 + MK 677 + YK-11 for 12 weeks.

What is the best stacking for lean muscle?

S4 + GW501516 + MK2866 for 12 weeks. Optional to add YK-11 + MK 677.

How to stack MK677?

  • MK 677 can stack with any kind of sarm.
  • MK677 + MK2866+S4 = Advanced lean muscle
  • MK677 + LGD4033+RAD140 = Advanced bulking
  • MK677 + S4+GW501516 = Advanced shreded cutting
  • MK677 + YK11+RAD140 = Advanced genetic perfomance

Does LGD 4033 keeps water in my body?

LGD 4033 does not keep water in the body, but it helps to raise the muscle and burn fat at the same time. So users will get a more lean physique from using it.

Does GW-501516 burns muscle while I'm in cutting process?

Like S4, GW-501516 does not burn muscle even if the user is in the cutting phase. In fact, GW-501516 contains few anabolic elements that can help in muscle growth. This gives an advantage to GW-501516 as it is also build muscle and burn fat quickly at the same time.

Can I use GW-501516 with other anabolic SARMs?

Yes you can, in fact it is better because it makes the user can increase the size of muscle and burn fat at the same time, and that will make you look more ripped. I’ll suggest you combine MK-2866 and LGD-4033 because they both do not store water in the muscles and also suitable to use with GW-501516 and S4.

Can RAD-140 disrupt our body hormones?

RAD-140 is not like steroids which disrupt your body hormones and also stops it by inserting androgen in unnatural way. RAD-140 only stimulates hormone receptors to produce testosterone naturally, and can compete with any steroid and pro-hormones. Because of this, RAD-140 does not require any PCT like steroids.

Can RAD-140 help in bodybuilding process?

Like any SARMs. RAD-140 is also suitable for the process of bodybuilding. RAD-140 can help increase muscle and burn fat. This gives a more masculine muscle look to the users.

Can I combine RAD-140 with any anabolic substances like steroids and pro-hormones?

Yes you can. RAD-140 can be used with any anabolic substances. However, it is more advisable to use with SARMs as to avoid being exposed to the risk of side effects of steroids or pro-hormones. RAD can further improve the function of any anabolic substances to the next level.

Does MK-677 require injection like HGH and Somapure?

No it doesn’t, because MK-677 is in oral form and does not require any injection. It is ideal for those who are afraid of taking injection.

Is the function of MK -677 quite the same as HGH and Somapure?

Yes it is. MK-677 increases GHRH level and activates Somatastin naturally, for the construction of new cells just like HGH and Somapure. Only the price difference that is very significant, because the price of HGH & Somapure can easily reached 234$ while MK-677 only cost around 71$.

Can women use SARMs?

Yes. SARMs ar safe even for women. You just have to make sure you have quality SARMs like ours. Many of our female customers have used our SARMs with no complaints but awesome results.


What is Pro Hormone?

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I’m 18, can I take Pro Hormones? At what age can I?

Prohormones are not recommended for anyone under 21 years of age.

Will Pro Hormones increase/decrease your libido?

This depends upon the compound.  Some compounds will decrease your libido while others may not have any effect or may increase your libido.  This also varies on an individual basis.

Will prohormones shut you down? Will they make you lower sperm count?

Pro hormones may shut down your natural testosterone production.  They also may lower sperm count. A PCT supplement can help get your body back to normal.

Will Pro Hormones make you fail a drug test? Will they make you test positive?

If you are being tested for pro hormone metabolites or increased testosterone levels (generally these tests are only done by athletic governing bodies) then there is a chance you may test positive, this will vary from compound to compound. If you are unsure then you should discontinue use to avoid failing a test.

When will my pro hormone start to work / feel the effects?

Typically results are seen and felt within the first 10 days.

What side effects will I experience?

Common side effects are high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, low libido, lethargy, acne, increased liver enzymes, hair loss, and gynecomastia. Usually these effects happen if no PCT/on cycle support

Can women take pro hormones? (Why/Why Not)

Women should not take pro hormones.  Women do not naturally have high testosterone levels and taking pro hormones could cause serious side effects.

How long can I take pro hormones?

An average pro hormone cycle is 4-8 weeks.  It is not advised to take more than 3 cycles a year.

Do I need to take cycle support/liver support?

*Many prohormones are methylated and can put stress on your liver, kidneys and other organs.  It is important to take a liver and cycle support to minimize these effects.

Can I stack different pro hormones?

*Certain pro hormones may be stacked but this is not advised as pro hormones can present many side effects and stacking them only makes these effects more apparent. It is better stack non-methylated pro hormones than methylated pro hormones.

Should I take my pro hormone with or without food?

When you purchase a pro hormone, on the bottle it should state whether to take with or without food. Overall though, it is recommended that pro hormones are taken with food, with preferably a little fat at least, to increase absorption.

How should I space out my Pro hormone use throughout the day?

It is recommended to take your pro hormone evenly spaced out through the day. If yours calls for 3 per day, take 1 capsule every 8 hours. If it calls for 2 per day, space it 12 hours apart…and so on.

Can I take creatine with Pro hormones?

Yes, you can supplement creatine while you are on your pro hormone cycle.

Can I take a protein supplement while on pro hormones?

Yes, you can continue to take a protein supplement (whey, casein egg, soy etc) while on your cycle.