Candarine (GW) – 501516

GW-501516 is suitable to increase muscle’s endurance and ensure longer lasting performance during training. However, the function of GW-501516 is actually more to burn fat fast without burning the muscle that has been gained. GW-501516 contains some elements of anabolic, where it is also able to improve the muscle size. GW-501516 has NO catabolic elements. GW-501516 users will often absorb nutrition better and able to reduce the rate of carbohydrate and fat in the muscle tissue, due to glucose levels absorption in the bones as a form of energy.

  • Burn fat fast

  • Increase energy significantly

  • Increase muscle endurance

  • Ensure users can work out longer

  • Absorb meal’s nutrition better

  • Does not contain catabolic effect

  • Reduce stress

  • No need PCT

Supplement Facts

GW-5015516 Medical Studies

Candarine was primarily developed to treat obesity, diabetes, lipid strain, and heart health problems. As a matter of fact, those who run blood-related work will notice that candarine will magically aid with lipid strain, and their cholesterol levels will improve substantially.

Candarine (GW-501516) How It Works?

Candarine can benefit bodybuilders in two ways:

1. Its ability to burn fat
2. Its ability to help the athlete have harder and longer workouts, without getting winded.

When a lifter does a set, their heart rate will skyrocket, and many times the athlete will reach failure slower when on Candarine because they can get in that extra rep or two. Furthermore, you will need less rest periods in between sets, and bodybuilders who like to do cardio after their weight training will enjoy these benefits as well.

For Endurance Purpose

Consume 10mg daily for period of 12 weeks.

For Fat Loss

Consume 10-20mg daily for period of 12 weeks.

Half Life 8 Hours

The time period for Candarine (GW) to take effect and stay in your body is 8 hours.

Consume Twice Daily

Consume 10 mg in morning & consume another 10 mg after 8 hours, or 30 minutes before training.


1. For endurance: It is recommend to stack Candarine with AICAR and/or Equipoise. This is the ultimate endurance stack that will turn you into a race horse.

2. Fat loss: The best shredder stack would be stacking Candarine with S4 (Andarine). This is a well known potent ‘cutting’ stack.

3. Anabolic steroid stack: If you run moderate doses of anabolic steroids, or you run any harsh compound like Trenbolone, then Candarine will aid in not only your lipids, but also with your ability to ‘catch your wind.’ Therefore, Candarine is a perfect stack for Trenbolone, which makes many athletes lose their breath fast.

4. During PCT (post cycle therapy) or bridge: Since Candarine is not hormonal, it is in no way suppressive. Hence, you should not be scared of using it to keep fat off and improve your workouts between cycles during your bridge and PCT.

5. SARMs triple stack: If you want to recomp, candarine stacks beautifully with S4 and MK-2866.

23 thoughts on “CANDARINE (GW-501516)”

  1. rob sheppard

    can you give me the price

  2. john

    may i ask ,suitable for women burn fat?

  3. Puresciencelabs Post author

    Hi Mr John, GW can also be use by women, but just take half dosage.

  4. Muhammad ziyad irham

    Does this product will stuck in urine test?

  5. Ronald

    hi Purescience, After I use mk2866 and Rad140 for 12 weeks, Can I include GW in my mini PCT also?

    your reply is much appreciated.

  6. Bo

    Hi sir, i would like to get quotation for this product (gw501516)

  7. Eder

    hai can u give the price and can you deliver the product to Indonesia?

  8. Aditya

    Im interested to purchase your products, please let me know the price and do you guys deliver overseas to Indonesia?

  9. Arie

    Hi PureScience,
    I was told that stacking GW and S4 will cause temporary yellow eyes and sensitivity to light. Is this true?

  10. Mohd Afiq Iqbal

    Hai.. Im now in loss weight program may u suggest me which product is the best for me to loss weight(burn fat) and gain muscle.? Tq

    • Puresciencelabs Post author

      Hello Mr. Mohd Afiq Iqbal

      Thank you for your inquiries. There were some combination for fat loss product in our list. For fast result, we recommend you to stack s4 and Gw501516 together. For another combo,which is advance stacking we recommend you to stack s4,Gw501516 and Mk677 together.

      Best Regards
      PSL Team

  11. Sofian

    Hi, can you combine LGD & GW?
    1. When is the best time to consume them?
    2. What are the dosage?
    3. How many days per week to consume them and for how long before PCT?
    4. Consume on empty stomach or after meal?
    5. I am male 42 yrs old, weight 63kg with 14%BF. My goal is to add muscle mass and drop my bodyfats percentage to around 9-10%.

    • Puresciencelabs Post author

      Hello Mr. Sofian

      Thank you for your inquiries. LGD and cardarine would be a really good lean mass SARMS cycle. The LGD will promote strength and size gains while the cardarine GW will help immensely with fat loss, endurance and recovery.

      This is how you would run it:

      Weeks 1 – 12
      LGD 10mg/day
      GW 10mg/day (5mg AM 5mg PM)

      Best Regards
      PSL Team

  12. Hafizah Shani

    Hi PSL team,
    How can i know the dealer for ur stock is a direct dealer? Can i have the COA for the batch that i buy to verify.

    • Puresciencelabs Post author

      Hi Miss Hafizah,

      Thank you for your inquiries. Can I know where are you from? Please provide us your Phone number and location. We’ll forward your details to our distributor near your location.

      Thank you.

      Best Regards,
      Team PSL

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